After numerous years dedicated to meetings, fundraising, and navigating through the complexities of state, local, and federal agencies, the trash trap was successfully installed at the southern tip of DeKalb County on the South River during the first week of March 2023. The collaborative efforts of The Jackson Lake Association members, the South River Watershed Alliance, and dedicated lake neighbors, were instrumental in realizing this milestone.
DeKalb County took the initiative a couple of years ago, allocating over $500,000 for the project. However, the process faced bureaucratic hurdles at the federal level. Despite these challenges, we have triumphed in placing the trash trap in the river.
Although this location is 30 miles north of our area, it is strategically positioned to capture the majority of floating trash originating from metro Atlanta east of Peachtree Street. After approximately 11 months, the trap has already collected and removed 40,000 pounds of floatables that will never make it to Jackson Lake. Our association is currently working to assess the effectiveness of this trap. This will allow us to implement other traps upstream from Jackson Lake in the future.
Special Thanks to Burt Jones, The SouthRiver Watershed Alliance and The members of The Jackson Lake Association for making this happen.